Listen out for these sounds in Tiny Golden Quacks:
This is the recording that sprang to mind when I first read your email. It’s my daughter playing my xylophone, this time last year. So she was 13 months old at the time. Funny to hear her not talking, with just the occasional grunt, as she rarely stops chatting at present 😀
Thought of this because
Jonnie Common
(a) it makes me feel happy
(b) it was recorded with a field recorder rather than a phone
(c) it’s rife with easily croppable notes / flourishes in the key of C.
Greetings from the shire where I have just returned after spending a few days with the folks. I managed to catch the Jilguero a few times in different locations. Hard to catch him by himself and you can hear the noise of the city and very annoying dogs. I have not deleted any files since I know you might want to hear them all and choose for yourself. There are other birds there too, including humming birds. They are the ones with a rhythmical and repetitive high pitch chirp.
Morgan Szymanski
Track named by Rory Common. Xylophone performed by Sylvie Common. Arranged and produced by Tommy Perman.
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